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Pure Melatonin Implants & Applicator


Pure Melatonin is an imported implant that is the purest and most potent implant on the market. This product has been brought to the market to give you the opportunity to take hair growth to the next level. Pure Melatonin is a 24mg implant that allows a higher secretion rate, while saving you money at the same time.



Contact Sean Isaacson at 815-739-1013

One implant (24mg)

3 implants should be administered every 30 days starting at least 90 days prior to target exhibition, but we insist 120 days.

Melatonin implants are fat soluble therefore should be given subcutaneously in fatty tissue such as the brisket region.

Implants should be kept in refrigeration at all times prior to use.

Additional information


Pure Melatonin Implants Quantity, Pure Melatonin Applicator


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